Asbestos Testing and Surveys
Asbestos Testing and Surveys in Farnborough, Hampshire
Before doing any work which may disturb asbestos materials, you must get expert help to test if asbestos is present and apply full asbestos safety precautions.
TAG Asbestos offer cost-effective and professional asbestos surveys in Hampshire, Berkshire, Surrey, Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, West Sussex and London. Buildings containing asbestos materials in good condition are unlikely to present an immediate risk to life. Where the Asbestos is in a poor condition or damaged, asbestos fibres may be released into the air causing potential serious lung diseases, including cancer. The person responsible for managing the maintenance and repair of a building must manage any elements containing Asbestos. If you are in the construction industry you must remember the importance of surveys as part of your legal responsibilities to manage this risk.
The survey must provide sufficient information for a risk assessment, asbestos register and management plan to be prepared. The asbestos register must be available to those planning any maintenance or related work, so it can be consulted before the work begins. The survey is likely to involve sampling and analysis to confirm the presence of asbestos. For properties with Asbestos in good condition, more than one survey may be required over the lifespan of the property. Any inspection of the property will take the form of an asbestos survey and depending on your requirements and the condition of the Asbestos, there are two types of Asbestos Survey to choose from, a management survey and a refurbishment/demolition survey.
Asbestos Management Surveys
A management survey will be required during the normal occupation and use of a building ensuring continued management of asbestos-containing materials. The Survey must locate asbestos material that could be damaged or disturbed by normal activities, by foreseeable maintenance, or by installing new equipment, pipes or cabling. This survey aims to make sure:
• Nobody is harmed by the continuing presence of asbestos in the property.
• Any asbestos-containing materials remain in good condition for the lifespan of the property.
• No Asbestos can be damaged or disturbed accidentally
The Asbestos Management survey report will determine the asbestos type, location, extent and condition of asbestos materials. The report will also priorities any remedial work required helping you manage your project efficiently and safely.
Asbestos Refurbishment and Demolition surveys
The refurbishment and demolition survey is required where the premises, or part of it, needs upgrading, refurbishment or demolition. The survey does not need to record the condition of any asbestos found on the property but must ensure that nobody will be harmed by working in the property and any work carried out is done safely by an experienced contractor. The survey must locate and identify all asbestos before any structural work begins at the property. The area surveyed must be vacated and certified ‘fit for reoccupation’ before people use it again.
Surveys should be carried out by surveyors competent to carry out the work required, Inadequate surveys can have disastrous consequences resulting in contamination to people, equipment and furnishings with asbestos fibres. For more information about Refurbishment and Demolition surveys or to get a free quote, contact us today.